This page is for requesting removal of harmful content. For all other issues such as account or email problems, please contact support.

Richiesta di rimozione dei contenuti

If you have an issue with content on this website, please submit your issue via the form below using the following guidelines:

  1. As much identifying information as possible about the content that you are reporting:
    1. Identifying information about the performer and/or user that generated the issue.
    2. A description of your issue with the content/performer/user.
    3. The date and time you encountered the content on the website.
  2. Any other information which you believe is relevant to your issue with the content on the website.

Esamineremo, risponderemo e risolveremo tutti i reclami segnalati entro sette (7) giorni lavorativi. Vi ringraziamo per averci dedicato il vostro tempo per sottoporci questo problema.

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